

(Hymenaea courbaril) Guapinol


Technological properties

Normal drying speed. There is a slight risk of deformations arising and cracks appearing (the appearance of cracks depends on its density).

It is recommended to carry out open air drying before artificial drying. In open air drying, pieces 27mm thick require approximately 60 days for a 60% moisture content to be reduced to 18%.

The wood is hard and heavy, and of a good quality. It is moderately difficult to work with, but is durable and very resistant to attack from termites.

Sawing is easy, but requires very powerful equipment, with blunting of saws being normal.

It is not suitable for rolled veneers, but is good for sliced veneers, and is highly appreciated in the wood market.

It is machined without difficulty, with suitable equipment. Gluing is not a problem, but is only recommended for indoors. Nailing and screwing require prior drilling. The finish does not pose problems.

Origin and availability

The tree is always large and green, from 35 to 50m tall. It does not have branches on the first 12 to 24m, and has an umbrella shaped treetop, with sturdy branches. This tree has white flowers in the months of March to May. The outer bark is grey and mainly smooth, the inner bark is a reddish chestnut colour with white stripes, and slightly sandy. It is found in habitats of deciduous forests and is very abundant along intermittent water courses. In general it lives in low to medium-low elevations of 0 to 1000m with humid to very humid climates.

It is mainly found in South America, the Caribbean and the Antilles. There are few forest masses, its production and export being significant.

Description of the wood

The colour of the sapwood is pinkish white, and the heartwood varies from pinkish brown beige to reddish brown. It sometimes has a fine grain and may have a glossy shine. The sapwood is clearly distinguished.

Natural durability

It is classified from moderately durable to very durable against the action of fungi and termites, and not resistant to marine xylophage.

The heartwood has low penetrability.

Applications and use

Furniture and carpentry. Veneers of decorative coverings. Interior carpentry: Floors, platform flooring, staircases. Exterior carpentry. Handles of tools. Turnery. Carving and sculpture. Shipbuilding. Cooperage. Musical instruments.

Woods which have a high natural durability can be used in applications where there is constant moisture.

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