

(Junglans nigra L.) American Walnut

Nogal Americano

Technological properties

Drying is carried out slowly to prevent flaws from arising. There is the risk of collapse and internal cracks and indentations appearing. Abnormal pigmentation may occur.

Suitable for obtaining rolled and sliced veneer. Machining does not pose a problem. Blunting of tools is normal. Good for curving. Gluing, nailing, screwing and finishing do not pose problems.

This is the most luxurious carpentry wood, unparalleled for sanding, turning, carving and polishing. If care is taken, excellent results can be expected by combining the sapwood with the heartwood.

When machined it gives of a characteristic odour. The dust produced is an irritant, causing sneezing.

Origin and availability

It is found in the eastern United States, Northern Appalachia, and Canada (Ontario). Its forest masses are significant. Its production and export are stable.

Description of the wood

Along with the Sycamore and the Birch, it is one of the trees that is easily distinguished by its bark. It is a large tree which can reach 60m tall, with a trunk diameter of 2 metres, red tinted brown, irregularly cracked bark, flaking off. Botanical name: Juglans nigra L.

The sapwood varies from white to light yellow or yellowish brown, and the heartwood is a reddish brown or chocolate colour.

The heartwood may also have a light to intense coffee colour with a purple appearance. When steamed it changes to a warm, toasted colour, which is how it is usually presented on the market, or is stained so that the colours of the sapwood and heartwood match.

Natural durability

The wood is classified as moderately durable against the action of fungi and insects, the sapwood being sensitive to insects.

Applications and use

Use in flooring: Excellent. Reception of stains: Poor. Resistance to nailing: Regular. Resistance to screwing: Good. Machines well. Used in the production of flooring and due to its high cost it is usually used in the production of perimeter and border coverings.

Highly appreciated in carpentry. Ideal for grips of firearms (butts of large guns and grips of small guns) due to its stability and capacity for absorbing recoil. Also used for decorative panels and veneers, indoor carpentry, carving, shipbuilding, musical instruments and turnery, etc.

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