

Pine pinaster, Negal Pine, Ródeno Pine, Rubial Pine, Maritime Pine. Pinus pinaster Ait. Syn.


Technological properties

The drying speed is fast. There is a slight risk of deformations occurring and cracks appearing. In addition to traditional drying in chambers, high temperature (100ºC) drying has also been used successfully, with the drawback of resin exudation and increased risk of deformation, appearance of cracks and knots splitting.

To prevent bluing, it is recommended to carry out treatments against this immediately after sawing.

Sawing is easy, although the presence of resin may blunt saws and cause heating. It is recommended to increase the width of the path of the saw and the distance between teeth to facilitate the removal of wood with resin and take common precautions corresponding to sawing of very resinous woods. It is suitable for obtaining rolled veneer and it is recommended to steam it first at 85ºC to reduce the hardness of the knots.

Nailing and screwing do not pose problems. Before applying finish products, it is recommended to carry out a treatment with a primer. In case of the wood being used outdoors, or near sources of heat, it is recommended to first wash or remove its high content of resin before applying finish products (as the action of the sun or heat causes the resin to rise to the surface).

Origin and availability

It is found in almost all countries bordering the western region of the Mediterranean Sea (Algeria, Morocco, Spain, France, Italy and Greece). In Spain, it is found in almost all provinces. There are two subspecies of the Pinus pinaster Ait, the ssp atlantica Huget de Villar and the ssp mesogeensis or mediterraneae. The first grows in Galicia (Pino Gallego) and the second in the rest of the Iberian Peninsula (Pino Negral). In France, in the region of Landas, the Atlantic variety known as Landas Pine grows.

Its forest masses, production and export are significant. In general, pine is the most commonly used commercial wood. It produces a reddish brown heartwood. It has very clear growth rings, but its characteristics vary depending on the speed of its growth.

Description of the wood

The colour of the sapwood is yellowish brown, and the heartwood varies from orange-yellow to salmon-red. The sapwood is clearly distinguished. The growth rings are visible and there is a great contrast between the wood from spring and summer.

The fibre is straight. The grain varies from medium to coarse or thick.

Natural durability

The wood is classified as moderately or not durable against the action of fungi and sensitive to cerambycids, anobiidae and termites. The sapwood is very sensitive to bluing.

The heartwood is not penetrable and the sapwood is penetrable.

Applications and use

Used in the industrialised manufacture of flooring, partially due to the lack and increased cost of tropical woods. Suitable for the production of large format flooring, this wood is applied perfectly in interior design. It is warm, with a highly valued appearance in decoration due to its colour, whether natural, stained or varnished.

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