Pine pinaster, Negal Pine, Ródeno Pine, Rubial Pine, Maritime Pine. Pinus pinaster Ait. Syn.
Technological properties
Drying is carried out easily, without noticeable flaws, although in Pinus taeda there is a tendency for deformations to occur and cracks to appear. Sawing is quite easy, although its high resin content may blunt saws, making it necessary to take precautions for sawing resinous woods. Saws with long teeth reduce the problems of the resin. It is suitable for obtaining rolled veneer.
It is machined easily with normal blunting of tools. It is suitable for moulding, turning and drilling. Repelling may occur during brushing and moulding near the knots when working with high feed speeds and tools which are not sharp. It is not suitable for steam curving due to its high resin content.
Origin and availability
It is found in the southeast of the United States (between Virginia and Texas). Its forest masses, production and export are significant.
Description of the wood
The sapwood has a colour which varies from white to pale yellow or light orange. The heartwood is quite well distinguished, as it has a colour which varies from orange-yellow to reddish brown or light brown. The growth rings are visible. The summer wood forms very dark bands and the transition between spring and summer wood is very abrupt and outlined with a notable contrast. The wood rays are very fine, not visible to the naked eye, except when included in a transversal resin channel, forming a grain on the surface.
Natural durability
The wood is classified as having moderate or low durability against the action of fungi, sensitive to cerambycids and anobiidae and moderately durable or sensitive to termites.
The sapwood is penetrable and the heartwood has low or no penetrability.
Applications and use
Veneers for decorative coverings. Plywood boards. Interior carpentry: Flooring, floor coverings, doors, staircases. Construction carpentry. Shipbuilding: Masts, Posts, struts, crates. Paper pulp. Kraft paper.
Existen numerosas denominaciones para referirse a este grupo de especies, que han creado una gran confusión e indefinición.
En España el nombre aplicado varía con la región así: En la zona de Cataluña se denomina pino melis, en Baleares y Canarias pino tea, y en la zona de Valencia pino mobila. En la práctica son pocos los que conocen o emplean el nombre comercial piloto.
La denominación Pino mobila se debe a que esta madera, procedente del Sur de los Estados Unidos, se embarcaba en el puerto de Mobile.
Finalmente, la denominación de Pino tea viene a añadir mayor confusión. En la norma UNE 56.504 “Nomenclatura de las principales maderas comerciales extranjeras de coníferas” se indica que la denominación de pino tea se aplica en España a cualquier madera de pino que tenga muy diferenciada la madera de verano de la de otoño, con predominio del color rojizo; y añade que en mercado de importación se refiere, principalmente, al Pinus Palustris. Sin embargo, otras fuentes indican que la denominación de pino tea se refiere principalmente al Pinus taeda, y que su origen se debe a su aptitud para arder como una antorcha. Además la denominación de pino tea tambien se utiliza para una clase de madera de las especies Pinus canariensis (Pino canario) que tiene un elevado contenido de resina, lo que le confiere un color caramelo traslúcido.